Our goal at St. Dorothy School is to make the Admission and Registration process as easy as possible for parents. St. Dorothy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policy or school programs. Admittance to St. Dorothy takes place in the following order of acceptance:
1. St. Dorothy Parish families with currently enrolled children in our school.
2. Other families (non-parishioner) with children currently registered in St. Dorothy school.
3. Children of parents/guardians who are registered members of St. Dorothy Parish
4. Families new to our school
(a) Families registering in our parish
(b) Students transferring from other Catholic schools
(c) Families residing in our parish boundaries
5. Families residing outside of our parish
(a) Catholic students coming from a parish without a school, closed parish or another parish for other reasons
(b) Non-Catholic students
All registrations are taken through the School Office, online application is not available. All required forms, documents and fees must be submitted before applications are reviewed. A few general requirements that apply are below:
Step 1: Inquire and visit
Please call our Advancement Director Claire McLain at 315-560-5576 or email to arrange a personal tour of our campus.
Step 2: Register
Submit a completed Admission Packet and required documentation along with the applicable per child non-refundable registration fee of $500 payable to St. Dorothy School for PreSchool and Kindergarten, or $200/student or $300/family for grades 1 through 8. The fee is refunded only in the event that admission is denied. Required documents include: birth certificate, baptismal certificate (if Catholic), most recent report card and educational testing reports, and up-to-date immunization and health records. Please use the checklist in the Admission Packet to ensure all required forms are submitted. Only complete application packets will be accepted for consideration. Registration opens on January 31, 2025 at 9am in the Annex. If you cannot attend in person registration on January 31st you can drop your completed application (please see the checklist) off at the Main School office any in-session school day between 7:30am and 3:30pm.
Step 3: Schedule an interview
A meeting with our Principal and Vice Principal, as well as grade level assessments is required, except for PreSchool and Kindergarten.
Step 4: Set up a Tuition account
Once you receive an acceptance letter, set up your tuition account and select your payment plan. Tuition is processed through Facts Management and set up at To apply for tuition assistance, complete the FACTS Grant and Aid application online before the April deadline. Any assistance granted will be awarded in the fall. Any questions regarding tuition should be directed to the Parish business manager, Karen Dina, at