Monday 2 hour delay Friday no school New Spelling homework schedule
My IXL is a daily homework assignment Monday
Spelling: see below
Read 20 minutes
Religion: Flashcards
SS: Study Guide/Blooket
Tuesday Spelling: see below
Read 20 minutes Religion: Flashcards SS: Study Guide/Blooket-Test tomorrow
Wednesday Spelling: see below
Read 20 minutes
Thursday Read 20 minutes
Spelling see below
WS #9,13, 15,17
Area model #’s 19,21, 23
WS #9,13, 15,17
Area model #’s 19,21, 23
WS #9,13, 15,17
Area model #’s 19,21, 23
________________________________________________________________ Weekly Spelling Homework Schedule Monday: Write definitions for words 1-11 Tuesday: Write definitions for words 12-25 Wednesday: Write a sentence for each of the words 1-11 (Each sentence should start with a capital letter and end with punctuation) Thursday: Write a sentence for each of the words 12-25 (Each sentence should start with a capital letter and end with punctuation)