The St. Dorothy Parish finance committee makes decisions regarding tuition to maintain a strong curriculum, safe environment and variety of programs serving all students.
2023-2024 tuition rates are as follows when paying in 4 or 10 installments
(Please note these rates reflect a 3% discount as oppposed to making 2 payments; if entire tuition is made in 1 payment on or before August 1, 2023 there is a 5% discount):
PRE-K 3 and PRE-K 4
3 days/week $2,915/$3,976*
5 days/week $3,715/$5,010*
* The split shows the difference in half/full days.
Parishioner and Non-Parishioner: $4,505 per child
K tuition with sibling in Grades 1-8 discount: $3,975 per child
Number of children: one $3,890
two $6,494
three $8,005
four $9,225
Number of children: one $5,000 and each additional child $4,710
Tuition shown is the amount when making 4 quarterly or 10 monthly payments.
Full tuition information, including discounts based on payment plans, can be found here.
Complete the online application for financial aid (K-8) through FACTS Grant & Aid.
Tuition does not include the school uniform or lunch as well as fees for supplies, CYO sports, etc.
Current families may direct tuition payment questions to our parish business manager,
Mr. Tom Judge at or 610 789-7788.
Prospective families may direct questions about the registration process and tours to Advancement Director Claire McLain or or questions about tuition and financial aid to our Principal Mrs. Karen Tomasetti at
Both can be reached by phone at 610 789-4100.